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Ingemar Pongratz, researcher and entrepreneur.

Ingemar Pongratz's Bio:

Ingemar Pongratz is a researcher / entrepreneur with extensive scientific experience in molecular biology, molecular nutrition and endocrinology. As a molecular biology researcher, Ingemar Pongratz has authored over 40 scientific articles and / or review papers and supervised succesfully 12-15 students and postdocs. Ingemar Pongratz has also extensive experience in scientific project management and project development. Through his research activities, Ingemar Pongratz and his research team provided key information in the field of receptor biology. For example we characterized the cross-talk between the estrogen receptor and the AhR receptor system and demonstrated that shared co-factors between these signalling pathways are involved in the phenomenon behind endocrine disruption. Ingemar Pongratz has also been involved in EU projects and acquired extensive experience of EU proposal administration and management. He has a proven record of acquiring and participating in EU funded projects. In total Ingemar Pongratz has attracted over 50 Million EUR worth of projects to different organizations. Ingemar Pongratz has established Fenix Scientific AB, a company dedicated to commercialize some of the scientific results from Ingemar Pongratz combined with other scientific knowledge in the field to develop a new line of health promoting products. Fenix Scientific AB has been selected by the Swedish Government incubator ALMI given the high market potential of its business idea to join the BIG programme (Business Incubator for Growth). In collaboration with ALMI advisors Ingemar Pongratz has identified and gathered a highly experienced management team. The team includes the necessary experience in company management, marketing and other key areas. We are currently engaging with possible investors to launch our products and enter the market. To launch this project Ingemar Pongratz has established Letavis AB as a platform to further this project. Letavis AB finalized several large scale pilot project which demonstrate the efficienecy of our products. Letavis and Ingemar Pongratz have established the necessary links with key stakeholders including leading academic groups in Europe. Together with these collaborators we are in the process of developing additional new health promoting compounds with unique properties which will be introduced into the market. In addition, as a consultant, Ingemar Pongratz provides advice and guides companies and organization who wish to apply for, manage and communicate EU funded projects and other research projects financed with funds from public sources such as Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation scheme. This support is provided through Pongratz Consulting. This company branch has been very active in supporting clients with several different projects including Horizon 2020 projects. Clients of Fenix Scientific AB / Pongratz Consulting can rely on the extensive experience of Ingemar Pongratz regarding EU funding and that Fenix Scientific AB will support them all aspects associated with EU funding schemes such as Horizon 2020 or the Eureka Eurostars scheme. We help both public organizations and private companies in this task and make sure that the process proceeds with minimal hazzle. In addition, Ingemar Pongratz has also recently joined the Advisory Board of the Swedish StartUp Kioskomatic AB and will support the company with his extensive business development and fundraising experience. Pongratz Consulting and Ingemar Pongratz can also support and participate in the project as a partner and support the consortium with administration and communication activities. We have long experience in this field and if required we can easily attach additional connections and expertise through our extensive contact networks. Our expertise in EU project Communication awarded Ingemar Pongratz the Communication Star prize in 2011, for best EU project communication and we will make sure that all our expertise and networks support you and your project ideas. We have also been asked to join the Swedish organization IML to support their members in identifying and applying for public funding and we closely collaborate with Academics, Enterprises and authorities across Europe.  We can help you identify suitable partners, we can help you structure the EU Proposal and we can assist you in the writing process. In short Pongratz Consulting will make sure that you can apply for different EU projects such as Horizon 2020 funded project and still have time for other activities. If you have questions and or if you would like to get in touch please visit our homepages: Or simply send me an email: Ingemar.Pongratz(a) We are there to help you Ingemar Pongratz is an avid traveller who loves to visit new places and interact with new colleagues. We are always open to new collaborations and have recently been invited to join the Creative Communities Group. This is a UK based NGO who aimes to close the gap between the scientific community and the general public Specialties: EU funding, Public funding, Health, Research, molecular biology, Nuclear Receptors, Negotiations, Project planning, Scientific Communication, Business Development, Fundraising, Life Sciences Swedish Bio: Ingemar Pongratz är forskare med lång erfarenhet av EU finansierade projekt och andra former av offentlig finansiering. Ingemar Pongratz har etablerat ett konsultverksamhet, Pongratz Consulting, där han hjälper företag och andra organisationer som vill ta del av olika former av offentlig finansiering som till exempel Horizon 2020, Eureka, Eureka Eurostars för att finansiera innovations projekt. Ingemar Pongratz har expertis i att utforma EU projekt kommunikation. Ingemar erhöll EU Kommissionens Communication Star priset för bästa EU projekt kommunikation 2011 och har etablerat till exempel CommNET, ett EU projekt Kommunikatörs nätverk inom livsmedelsområdet. Ingemar Pongratz har också etablerat Fenix Scientific AB, ett forskningsintensivt företag som avser  att utveckla nya produkter. Den statliga inkubatorn ALMI valda att inkludera Fenix Scientifc AB in i sitt inkubator verksamhet tack vare den stora marknads potentialen som företaget har. Fenix Scientific AB befinner sig i ett intensivt skede och håller på att etablera flera samarbeten för att gå in i nästa fas och introducera nya produkter. Om ni vill veta mer om Ingemar Pongratz och om hans olika aktiviteter så skicka gärna en epost till: Ingemar.Pongratz(a)

Ingemar Pongratz's Experience:

Ingemar Pongratz's Education:

Ingemar Pongratz's Interests & Activities:

EU funding, Horizon 2020, Public funding, Health, Research, Molecular Biology, Nuclear Receptors, EU Negotiations, Project management, Scientific Communication, Business Development, Fundraising, Life Sciences, Health promotion, Health supplements

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